I was homegrown, wild and free in every sense of the word as a child. Born and raised on my family farm, roaming the lands, rolling in wildflowers, basking in the sunshine, toes in the cold creek waters, spending day and night with the animals. Those are the days that built me. Surrounded by the earth and the love of my family. They are the foundation and core of my soul, and why I so fervently crave capturing those slow, dreamy, poetic moments of motherhood and family!
As a mother now, my roots are still homegrown. I deeply grasp the value of the moments, big and small. My husband and I were both born and raised on farms in Iowa, but we met in Arizona were we raise 7 wildlings of our own. We still intently connect them to the farm, where we spend our summers…my kids wild spirits able to frolic around the earth as I did as a child.
Motherhood is what I always dreamed of, having a family as magical as the one I was raised in has always my dream. They are my most precious gifts and the greatest blessings, and I seek everyday to never take that for granted. This drives my passion for capturing those moments that are so fleeting. I would be so honored to spend an evening with you, watching your own memories unfold, and freezing them in time for you.
I’ve always loved photographs and the emotions they make me feel. I subconsciously fear I will forget a moment or a memory, therefore I am extremely dedicated to capturing all the magical moments in life, big or small. I feel becoming a mother has amplified this fear, and given me a heightened sense of urgency to capture every perfect and imperfect moment, every detail, every joy…THE CONNECTIONS WE CAN FEEL, BUT DON’T ALWAYS SEE, life in all its exponential beauty. My soul is constantly searching for the connection, light, movement and love I witness. Babies don’t keep, kids don’t keep, TIME doesn’t keep…so my intent is to capture images that do. Images that show the love and personalities shining through. At the end of the day, I just want to love on my family, and give you beautiful, tangible treasures to keep forever.
“Be Fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!”